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This function is a composite of identify_row(), exclude(), restrict_n(), and restrict_date(). It is aimed to implement common case definitions in epidemiological studies using administrative database as a one-shot big query. The intended use case is for definitions in the form of, e.g., two or more physician visits with some diagnostic code at least 30 days apart within two years. The component functions mentioned above are chained in the following order if all arguments were supplied: identify_row(vals) %>% exclude(identify_row(excl_vals), by = clnt_id) %>% restrict_n() %>% restrict_date(). Only necessary steps in the chain will be ran if some arguments are missing, see the verbose output for what was done. Note that if date_var is supplied, n_per_clnt will be counted by distinct dates instead of number of records.


  match = "in",
  n_per_clnt = 1,
  date_var = NULL,
  apart = NULL,
  within = NULL,
  uid = NULL,
  excl_vals = NULL,
  excl_args = NULL,
  keep = c("all", "first", "last"),
  if_all = FALSE,
  mode = c("flag", "filter"),
  force_collect = FALSE,
  verbose = getOption("healthdb.verbose"),



Data.frames or remote tables (e.g., from dbplyr::tbl_sql())


An expression passing to dplyr::select(). It can be quoted/unquoted column names, or helper functions, such as dplyr::starts_with().


One of "in", "start", "regex", "like", "between", and "glue_sql". It determines how values would be matched. See identify_row() for detail.


Depending on match, it takes different input. See identify_row().


Grouping variable (quoted/unquoted).


A single number specifying the minimum number of group size.


Variable name (quoted/unquoted) for the dates to be interpreted.


An integer specifying the minimum gap (in days) between adjacent dates in a draw.


An integer specifying the maximum time span (in days) of a draw.


Variable name for a unique row identifier. It is necessary for SQL to produce consistent result based on sorting.


Same as vals but clients/groups with these values are going to be removed from the result. This is intended for exclusion criteria of a case definition.


A named list of arguments passing to the second identify_row() call for excl_vals. If not supplied, var, match and if_all of the first call will be re-used.


One of:

  • "first" (keeping each client's earliest record),

  • "last" (keeping the latest),

  • and "all" (keeping all relevant records, default).

  • Note that "first"/"last" should not be used with "flag" mode.


A logical for whether combining the predicates (if multiple columns were selected by vars) with AND instead of OR. Default is FALSE, e.g., var1 in vals OR var2 in vals.



  • "flag" - add new columns starting with "flag_" indicating if the client met the condition,

  • or "filter" - remove clients that did not meet the condition from the data.

  • This will be passed to both restrict_n() AND restrict_date(). Default is "flag".


A logical for whether force downloading the result table if it is not a local data.frame. Downloading data could be slow, so the user has to opt in; default is FALSE.


A logical for whether printing explanation for the operation. Default is fetching from options. Use options(healthdb.verbose = FALSE) to suppress once and for all.


Additional arguments, e.g., mode, passing to restrict_date().


A subset of input data satisfied the specified case definition.


sample_size <- 30
df <- data.frame(
  clnt_id = rep(1:3, each = 10),
  service_dt = sample(seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2020-01-31"), by = 1),
    size = sample_size, replace = TRUE
  diagx = sample(letters, size = sample_size, replace = TRUE),
  diagx_1 = sample(c(NA, letters), size = sample_size, replace = TRUE),
  diagx_2 = sample(c(NA, letters), size = sample_size, replace = TRUE)

# define from one source
  vars = starts_with("diagx"), "in", vals = letters[1:4],
  clnt_id = clnt_id, date_var = service_dt,
  excl_args = list(if_all = TRUE),
  # remove non-case
  mode = "filter",
  # keeping the first record
  keep = "first"
#> → --------------Inclusion step--------------
#>  Identify records with condition(s):
#>  where at least one of the diagx, diagx_1, diagx_2 column(s) in each record
#>  contains a value exactly matched values in set: letters[1:4]
#> All unique value(s) and frequency in the result (as the conditions require just one of the columns containing target values; irrelevant values may come from other vars columns): 
#>    a    b    c    d    f    g    h    i    m    n    p    q    r    s    u    v 
#>    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1 
#>    w    z NA's 
#>    1    1    1 
#> → -------------- Output first records--------------
#> # A tibble: 3 × 5
#>   clnt_id service_dt diagx diagx_1 diagx_2
#>     <int> <date>     <chr> <chr>   <chr>  
#> 1       1 2020-01-24 b     v       f      
#> 2       2 2020-01-04 a     g       v      
#> 3       3 2020-01-07 w     n       a      

# multiple sources with purrr::pmap
# arguments with length = 1 will be recycle to match the number of sources
# wrap expressions/unquoted variables with bquote(),
# or rlang:exprs() to prevent immediate evaluation,
# or just use quoted variable names
    data = list(df, df),
    vars = rlang::exprs(starts_with("diagx")),
    match = c("in", "start"),
    vals = list(letters[1:4], letters[5:10]),
    clnt_id = list(bquote(clnt_id)), n_per_clnt = c(2, 3),
    date_var = "service_dt",
    excl_vals = list(letters[11:13], letters[14:16]),
    excl_args = list(list(if_all = TRUE), list(if_all = FALSE))
#> → --------------Inclusion step--------------
#>  Identify records with condition(s):
#>  where at least one of the diagx, diagx_1, diagx_2 column(s) in each record
#>  contains a value exactly matched values in set: c("a", "b", "c", "d")
#> All unique value(s) and frequency in the result (as the conditions require just one of the columns containing target values; irrelevant values may come from other vars columns): 
#>    a    b    c    d    f    g    h    i    m    n    p    q    r    s    u    v 
#>    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1 
#>    w    z NA's 
#>    1    1    1 
#> → --------------Exclusion step--------------
#>  Identify records with condition(s):
#>  where all of the diagx, diagx_1, diagx_2 column(s) in each record
#>  contains a value exactly matched values in set: c("k", "l", "m")
#> All unique value(s) and frequency in the result : 
#> integer(0)
#>  Exclude records in `data` through anti_join with `excl` matching on (by argument): "clnt_id" 
#>  Of the 3 "clnt_id" in data, 0 were excluded.
#> → --------------No. rows restriction--------------
#>  Of the 3 clients in the input, 0 were flagged as 0 by restricting that each client must have at least 2 records with distinct service_dt
#> → -------------- Output all records--------------
#> → --------------Inclusion step--------------
#>  Identify records with condition(s):
#>  where at least one of the diagx, diagx_1, diagx_2 column(s) in each record
#>  contains a value satisfied regular expression: ^e|^f|^g|^h|^i|^j
#> All unique value(s) and frequency in the result (as the conditions require just one of the columns containing target values; irrelevant values may come from other vars columns): 
#>    a    b    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    m    o    p    s    u    v 
#>    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1 
#>    w    x    y    z NA's 
#>    1    1    1    1    1 
#> → --------------Exclusion step--------------
#>  Identify records with condition(s):
#>  where at least one of the diagx, diagx_1, diagx_2 column(s) in each record
#>  contains a value satisfied regular expression: ^n|^o|^p
#> All unique value(s) and frequency in the result (as the conditions require just one of the columns containing target values; irrelevant values may come from other vars columns): 
#> a d f h j m n o p r s u w 
#> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 
#>  Exclude records in `data` through anti_join with `excl` matching on (by argument): "clnt_id" 
#>  Of the 3 "clnt_id" in data, 2 were excluded.
#> → --------------No. rows restriction--------------
#>  Of the 1 clients in the input, 0 were flagged as 0 by restricting that each client must have at least 3 records with distinct service_dt
#> → -------------- Output all records--------------
#> [[1]]
#>    clnt_id service_dt diagx diagx_1 diagx_2 flag_restrict_n
#> 1        1 2020-01-29     r       d       a               1
#> 2        1 2020-01-24     b       v       f               1
#> 3        1 2020-01-31     c       m       b               1
#> 4        2 2020-01-13     d       h       p               1
#> 5        2 2020-01-04     a       g       v               1
#> 6        2 2020-01-15     a       q       m               1
#> 7        2 2020-01-27     z       d       f               1
#> 8        2 2020-01-07     h    <NA>       b               1
#> 9        3 2020-01-07     w       n       a               1
#> 10       3 2020-01-12     b       r       u               1
#> 11       3 2020-01-20     i       b       s               1
#> 12       3 2020-01-14     c    <NA>       c               1
#> [[2]]
#>   clnt_id service_dt diagx diagx_1 diagx_2 flag_restrict_n
#> 1       1 2020-01-30     g       w       m               1
#> 2       1 2020-01-21     z       g       y               1
#> 3       1 2020-01-24     b       v       f               1
#> 4       1 2020-01-20     x       j       s               1
#> 5       1 2020-01-12     e    <NA>       v               1