Make a toy data set for testing and demo. This is for internal use purpose and not intended to be called by users.
- vals_kept
A vector of values that suppose to be identified.
- noise_val
A vector of values that are not meant to be identified.
- IDs
A vector of client IDs.
- date_range
A vector of all possible dates in the data.
- nrows
Number of rows of the output.
- n_any
Number of rows to be identified if the criteria is that if any target column contains certain values.
- n_all
Number of rows to be identified if the criteria is that if all target columns contain certain values.
- seed
Seed for random number generation.
- answer_id
Column name for the indicator of how the row should be identified: any, all, and noise.
- type
Output type, "data.frame" or "database".